About Me

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Born in Atmore, United States
Wife & Mommy. I have a wonderful husband who loves me deeply and three great kids. I believe in my Creator who guides me everyday. My favorite interest are stage/theatre, music/singing, antiques and art.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hospital Update Day 5

(She wanted all her lady bug barrets in her hair yesterday)

Ivee is scheduled right after Dr. Martino's 8 am in the morning. So, I think she'll be in surgery around 9am. He said it should only take about 30 minutes, but with anesthesia, I'm assuming she'll be back there around 1 to 1.5 hours.
Emmett is sick with the virus this morning. Praying he gets over it quickly and I don't get it. It has been a 24 hour bug, so hopefully he'll be fine in the morning. I have been around my girls when they had it, and I did fine. Hopefully my body was already immune. Thanks for the prayers. God has always had a reason for everything that has happened with our baby girl. We feel that no less this time. Our specific prayer is that He wants that shunt out and doesn't want another one in her! We pray her brain has healed and will do just fine absorbing the csf on it's own again.


Anonymous said...

Hey Hope, I love seeing Ivee with all her ladybug barretts. That is my nickname for her "Ladybug". I will be praying for Dr. Martino and his team tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.. I am already praying for your strength and too for the virus to leave Emmett. Thanks so much for keeping us posted on everything so we know how to pray for our little miracle. Yes, I agree, God wants that shunt out and doesn't want another one in her! I agree in prayer with you on this. Too, I am praying for her little brain to heal quickly.

Love ya'll very much!
Beth Pinyerd

LINDSAY said...

You are all in our thoughts, our prayers. I hope that, as you said, this turns out to be a blessing and she can in fact live shunt-free!!! I didn't even think that was possible once a shunt is implanted, so I'm pleasantly surprised that they want to try. (Yet another way that your life gives me hope for Matilda!) Keep us posted, and we'll keep praying for beautiful Ivee and her family!
God Bless!

Lindsay (Matilda's mom)

Anonymous said...

I am praying. May God bring complete healing to Ivee. She is so cute in her lady bug barretts. Please give her my love. I pray Emmett is better and you do not get this bug.
Much love to all of you. Love, Anna

Anonymous said...

Hope, we are praying for all of you. Your family is precious to us.
Love, Kim F.