About Me

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Born in Atmore, United States
Wife & Mommy. I have a wonderful husband who loves me deeply and three great kids. I believe in my Creator who guides me everyday. My favorite interest are stage/theatre, music/singing, antiques and art.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Count Down

Well, we are counting the days until we leave for Memphis. This should prove to be a very busy week! I have to prepare to be gone and out of pocket, so office work will be busy this week. The older two kids won't start school again (in full swing) until after the Memphis trip is over. As for Ivee, she will begin school this Tuesday at the preschool at the church (it is K1-K4). I want her to be around other children, so that she can be encouraged to catch up (to a degree. I'm not pushing) and begin to act like other two year olds. As far as attitude goes, she is already there. Just physically and in speech, I believe interaction with other children her age is the best way to have a child develop in leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, we will only have one week of school under our belt before possible surgery. Then we will have to wait from 3 to 6 weeks before she could return. She does heal quickly, but we won't be pushing her (or her teacher for that matter).
Of course, as I stated before, surgery is not a sure thing until Ivee is examined by Dr. Sanford. So as of August 18th, we will know if life will continue as it has been, or if we will all have to slow down and take it easy for a while.
Mommy and Daddy are a bit anxious. We (and she) have been through this once already, and as many of you know or have experienced, it is not something you want to repeat. BUT, kids are tough and God is BIG! He is sufficient for everything. SO, I will do my best not to fret (which I do internally, doesn't show much on the outside...but on the inside, sometimes I'm a mess!!) for I know I am never alone and that there is nothing to small or great, and we are never out of his hands!
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Thanks, The Foley's


Anonymous said...

Hey! We will be praying!! Keep us posted. She will catch up so quickly, and before you know it this will all only be a memory of God's faithfulness.
Thank you for helping us out with the college stuff!! I got the other pamphlets today and we appreciate you!! You're awesome!!!
Love, daisy

Anonymous said...

Yes we will be praying. All of you are in our hearts. God is BIG! Much love, Anna C.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hope- we are praying as well! Praying for wisdom and strength!
Miss you


Anonymous said...

Hope, we continue to pray. Love, Anna

Anonymous said...

Hoping that today went well and that no surgery is needed for Ivee.

Michelle-Erin's mom