About Me

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Born in Atmore, United States
Wife & Mommy. I have a wonderful husband who loves me deeply and three great kids. I believe in my Creator who guides me everyday. My favorite interest are stage/theatre, music/singing, antiques and art.

Friday, February 29, 2008


Well, the doctor was away on a family emergency all this week, and then the nurse practitioner was sick. So, the nurse I spoke to looked at Ivee's scan and read "stable." As I have learned that means that there is no new growth. I don't know anything else. She said that next week when Dr. Merchant gets back, I'll probably get a more detailed phone call.
So, that is good news. Now Em and I can relax for 4 more months until the next MRI. Thank you for the prayers. We got home last night and Ivee is glad to be here! As is the case with mom and dad too. Pray for Em, he is traveling to Texas today and tomorrow with his dad. He really didn't want to go after being on the road alot this week and just being tired from not sleeping in his bed. But, we are trying to by a more gas efficient car, and Texas was the place we found it. I just pray that when he gets there the car is what we were expecting and he won't come home empty handed (so to speak). If it's a go, then we'll sale the truck. We like the truck, but we have to pay for the new car and plus....what a gas guzzler! We are just going to buy a older truck that we'll use when we need to haul something.
Once again, thanks for the prayers, and remember us and the other kids out there fighting this disease!


Anonymous said...

Hi Hope, so glad to hear good results on Ivee and pray that you hear even better news next week when you speak to the doctor. You guys are always in my prayers and I love you all - even Em!!

Kathy F.

momof3girls said...

We're so glad to hear the good news! You've been in our thoughts and prayers daily. Now maybe you can get a little rest.

Katharine F. Bedsole said...

Hope, I am so glad that the MRI part for this time and the news is not bad. Yea for no growth. I don't know if I ever said so but thank you for the note you left for me a while back. I am thinking of you and your family. Praying for all of you.

Things are good with us. David just passed orals (took them late) and is doing well in his job. I am loving my job and counting the months until we can try for a baby of our own. Seems like all of life is waiting for something.

Lots of love,


debchastain said...

So glad that things weren't bad on the MRI. I'm praying the new car is exactly what you need! That photoshop job is AMAZING for the "wicked" poster! we've been nuts lately, and it won't get better til we're back from vacation in a couple of weeks, but oh well. of course, your version of busy puts mine to shame, but it still feels busy to me :0) love you!