About Me

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Born in Atmore, United States
Wife & Mommy. I have a wonderful husband who loves me deeply and three great kids. I believe in my Creator who guides me everyday. My favorite interest are stage/theatre, music/singing, antiques and art.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Hernia update

We meet the new Pediatric Surgeon for USA, Dr. Daniel Beals, and must say I liked him. He reviewed Ivee's scans from her contrast dye GI series. He has concluded that she doesn't have a typical hernia, but one where the top portion of the fundoplication has entered the chest cavity. So, in other words, we are not looking at anything threatening at this time. However, he did note that she is dealing with gastric dismotility/gastroparesis. This is where the stomach doesn't want to "move" it's contents. So we may be looking at 2 instances. 1. The heaving may be caused from the hernia. He wants to try approaching the problem medically at first, perhaps putting her on a medicine to promote movement in the stomach. OR 2. The hernia may have been caused by the heaving. Which could still be the gastroparesis, or we are looking at something neurological.
So, in less words...No hernia surgery for now, going to treat medically and just worry about the reoccurance and radiation for now. We will see the GI doctor on Tuesday, who should have talked to surgeon all about this by then.
Thanks for the prayers!!!

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