Today is my buddies birthday. Yes, my son is my buddy. He makes me laugh all the time...he's just so silly. We are not having a party yet, but he is having one after Christmas. This weekend just filled up to quickly with other stuff. For those who don't know, December is a rotten time to have your birthday cause it's just too busy all the time! Ask Emmett...better yet... don't~
Anyway, if you missed my last blog (below) please read it.
Happy Birthday Ethan!! A great picture of the birthday boy.
I have been unable to watch the video. I think my computer has a "cold".
WOW! What a journey you & your family have been on this year. God has used you to minister to others as you & your family walked this path. What an awesome God we serve!
With much love, Anna C.
Happy Birthday Ethan, even though I'm a day late. You're a very special young man. I'll never forget how you prayed for Ivee in TeamKid last year. You were such a blessing to us.
With Love,
Mrs. Faye
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