Here's Britt covered in string.
This is Ethan getting in on the fun. He stayed clean some how.
Here is Ethan with his new "girl" friend, Nicholah
And here is one of the "wars".
I'll post more pics later. They had a great time. We are sooooo ready to come home. Unfortunately my house will be a total mess. Emmett is having to put all his efforts into the upstairs, so the cleanliness is suffering. Pray for me : ) I'm going to do my best to not let it get to me. It's just a house. Any hew, Ivee is still improving physically. She is just going at her own pace. I have had to come to accept that I can only give her the tools she needs. It is not my "job" to make her do anything. Plus, you can't make a 1 year old do anything she doesn't want to do. Accepting that I am not in "control" is still a gradually learning process. We learn how to let go a little at a time.
This may sound weird, but I am trying to finish the "Chronicles of Narnia" books. I tell you, sometimes it can speak to me as loudly as the Word can. That may sound a little strange, but when you have an vivid imagination, as I can sometimes, you get totally sucked into the story. Anyway, today I was reading and there is a story in there of a child named Eustace. You really can't help but to despise him. He's a snooty know it all, who doesn't if you know what I mean. Well, in the story he is transformed into a dragon, and becomes quite miserable, which changes his heart. He is unable to communicate with the others, but earns their love and favor, which he never cared about before. And one night, when he is so miserable, physically, emotionally, spiritually, felling alone, he feels like he just can't take it any more. Then Aslan, the "lion" (and through out all the stories a "savior") appears out of no where, as he usually does. Eustace is fearful, but unafraid at the same time. He tells Eustace to follow him. He takes Eustace, the dragon, to a water well. There he tells him to undress, Eustace discovers that he is meaning he needs to shed his skin like a snake does. Eustace begins to scratch the scales and skin off, then after a moment steps out of it (like a banana peal), but as he goes to step into the water, he looks again and sees scales and skin. Many times he tries to remove it himself thinking it will be the last layer, and every time there is more. After many tries, Aslan tell Eustace he will have to undress him. Submissively, Eustace allows the "lion" to begin to remove the scales and skin. The first cut felt like it pierced all the way to his heart, but Aslan is careful and removes all the scales and tough skin that does not belong, revealing Eustace the boy. Aslan then throws him the bubbling fresh well water. It hurt for a moment, and then all the pain went away. He realized he was a whole boy again. Then Aslan took Eustace from the water, and dressed him.
When I read this, I almost cried in the waiting room. How often are we taken to a place, and changed by something so much that it can be painful, but in the mist, there is peace, and towards the end we reach a realization. That we cannot change what has happened to us. We can only allow what has happened to us to change who we are, and to affect those who are around us. We can't take away our pain, or shame, but the "Lion of Judah" can. It was only then that we can rest in the peaceful water and the cleansing of that water can wash away all the pain. We are made new.
Well, I know that was lengthy, and some of you have lost interest by now. Paula, this was as long as your comments : ) You know I'm kidding, oh, and I got your package. Thanks for the gifts. Anyone who likes books of adventure, even if you don't like to read, I suggest these books. Well, if your still with me (and hopefully all I typed made sense) God Bless you, and see you all soon.
Love Hope
Hi Hope~
I'm sorry to hear that Ivy can't take anything by mouth right now. I hope and pray that that will get better.
I enjoyed your commentary on the Narnia books. I read them first when I was about 11 and have read them several times since. They are a favorite series of mine. Glad you are enjoying them. I think I learn something new everytime I read them. :) Can't wait for you to get home. We'll have to have y'all over for a grillout soon.
Hugs and Prayers~
The pictures of the silly string war are very cute! ;-) I, too, am a huge fan of the Narnia books. I didn't read them until about a year ago, and they amazed me. Maybe you'll be finished with them by the time we get to hang out this month. Take care of each other and be careful coming home. Oh, yeah, don't stress about the house if you can help it. Love you -
Hi Ivee, Ethan, and Brittney!!
I just got home to NC today, and I sure do miss everyone at St. Jude. I wish I was still there. I wish I could've gotten to say good-bye to you guys, but I was all over the place. I love the pictures you have posted....they are so cute!! Ethan attacked me with that silly string....that little stinker! :)I am so excited that Ivee only has four more treatments. I will be praying for you guys. Stay strong and keep the faith. GOD IS SOO GOOD!
Much love
Hey - I told you at the beginning of our "blogging" friendship that I loved to talk and I got it honest from my mommy! I loved your long blog - I like to"listen" as much as I like to talk !! So happy Brittney and Ethan are having so much fun. Ethan certainly was all smiles with his new gal! I am excited that Ivee doesn't have that many more treatments and you will be able to come home soon. Now I got to read the Chronicles - my husband has the books and has told me that I need to read them. In my spare time - Ha Ha !! Blessings & Good Night -Paula
So glad to hear the kids have had some fun during the trip AND that the trip is ALMOST drawing to a close. I know you are thrilled to be able to say that you are coming home SOON!! We do miss you here and can't wait for you to be back.
That was a great post. Write as much as you want. We wouldn't look if we weren't interested. We both know that God uses all kinds of things to speak to our hearts, and He definitely used your post to speak to mine.
In Christ,
Looks like the kids are enjoying it, even if it isn't home! I am glad that you will all be home soon and I know you are all looking forward to that as well. I was going through some boxes my mom brought me from their move that had a bunch of my things in it from YEARS ago. I found a picture of Terry, Emmett, Shannon and Bryan from the Mighty Warriors days... I am going to try to scan it and send it to you. I think it was like in 1992 or earlier! You will probably look at it and think, man, that was just yesterday... I did. Anyway, I hope it makes you all smile!
In Him,
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