So, I have been okay up to this point, but now I am ready. Over the last three weeks "Shim" (that is the baby's non-gender name) has really gotten big. I'm in that...Can my stomach really stretch any farther... stage. Even though I know from past experience it can. The leg cramps are keeping me up at night. And I'm starting to feel that mid-night-time urge to go potty. The bladder is the only play toy it has right now. We did finally decide that if it a girl she will be called Ivee Isabell Foley. I really need a vacation from having to work at this point, but of course I am saving all those sick and vacation days for maternity leave. Sometimes that really bites. Even though I'll be happy to have time off after Shim is born, I still hate the thought that I can't take a real vacation this year! Oh well, that is life and right now, that's what I'm living.