About Me

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Born in Atmore, United States
Wife & Mommy. I have a wonderful husband who loves me deeply and three great kids. I believe in my Creator who guides me everyday. My favorite interest are stage/theatre, music/singing, antiques and art.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meet Dillan

Today's Brain Tumor Warrior
Dillan Foster
My family heard about Dillan through the grape vine from a relative. He was post surgery at our local children's hospital. Dillan was at school with his mom and fainted in the hallway earlier that week. He was rushed to the hospital to see if he had a concussion from hitting his head. The CT scan showed a mass in the fourth ventricle of his brian, and immediately Dillan was given an MRI. Within days, surgery was performed and 99% of Dillan's tumor was removed. After the surgery Dillan had Posterior Fossa Syndrome or Cerebellar Mutism, which causes one to not be able to talk or swallow. In a few days time they received Dillan's diagnosis. Ependymoma Grade II. (The third Ependymoma to come through our hospitals doors here in Mobile, Ivee being the first and the second just a couple of months before Dillan) 

When Emmett and I heard Dillan's diagnosis was Ependymoma, we couldn't get to the hospital fast enough. Turns out, Dillan's dad, Tim, had worked with Emmett years ago at the Olive Garden. We shared our hearts with them about our journey, and a few days later, the Foster's made the decision to transfer Dillan's care to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. 

Dillan's family began their visit to St. Jude the same week Ivee was scheduled for scans. I texted his mom and dad and let them know when we had arrived that night. They had a long first day of appointments and meeting doctors, but to my delight, I ran into Tim in the cafeteria of the Grizzly House. He had this amazing look on his face, and began to tell me what had transpired that day. They met with Dillan's new oncologist and were told some amazing news! Dillan's tumor was not an ependymoma after all, but his diagnosis was actually a Pilocytic Astrocytoma which, if you can say this, is the best kind of brain cancer you can have! It is slow growing and requires no sort of treatment, radiation or chemo. It just requires observation and watching to see what happens. 

Dillan is doing well, and getting back to his old self, playing, fighting with siblings and everything!! 

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